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September 8, 2023

Leaders at Northeast Indiana (NEI) Works have remained in contact with the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) about the impact that the impending UAW contract decision may have on local communities, as many jobs depend on the production of automobiles and passenger trucks in our region. Below are several items that may be beneficial for affected communities, employers, and workers.

community leaders

If you learn of displacement or temporary reduction in workforce you are encouraged to seek out some basic information and report it to NEI Works using the spreadsheet provided below. Send the information to Kim Tempel, Sr. Director of Business Services/Human Resources, at

Upon receipt, NEI Works will attempt to contact the employer to collect employee information and share that information with the DWD Unemployment Insurance team.


Unemployment Insurance (UI)

UI is administered by Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD). Information for both claimants and employers can be found by visiting A “How To” flyer is also provided below.

A UI tutorial can be viewed here:

Employers and their employees may view the video linked above to learn where and how to report their Return to Work (RTW) date as well. The time mark of 2:22 is the point in the tutorial that discusses reporting RTW dates. If the claimant reports their RTW date correctly, and if it is within 60 days of their separation, they should be placed on a work search waiver and not selected for Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) participation.

UI questions or issues must be addressed with the Indiana DWD by calling 1-800-891-6499 or by visiting one of the following WorkOne Northeast career centers:

Allen County

201 E Rudsill Blvd.

Fort Wayne, IN 46806

Mon-Wed, Fri 8:00am-4:30pm

Thur 10:00am-4:30pm

DeKalb County

936 W 15th Street

Auburn, IN 46706

Mon-Wed, Fri 8:00am-4:30pm

Thur 10:00am-4:30pm

Grant County

850 N. Miller Ave

Marion, IN 46952

Mon-Wed, Fri 8:00am-4:30pm

Thur 10:00am-4:30pm

Worker Adjustment and Retaining Notifications (WARN)

WARN Act Compliance information:

WorkOne Northeast career services

Information on services available at your local WorkOne Northeast career centers as well as other resources can be found by visiting

For services available to individuals:



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